Okay, I'm not sure what he has to do with this page, but will you LOOK at that lil tumblin' bear?  Isn't he the cutest thing ever?  I don't know about you, but I could watch him for hours!

I didn't know what to call this page.  Here you can see my family, but I can't just call it a family page, because I'm not related to the giraffe.

I was born and raised in Hearst, Ontario, a small, isolated, catholic, french-canadian town 935 kilometres north of my current home, Toronto.  Here's a picture of the house I grew up in:

Our house wasn't actually crooked.
The slant has more to do with my debatable photography skills in 1985.

Here are some slightly out-of-date pictures of my family.

Conrad, Jacques, Dad                                                        Mireille

Lise                                                                 Mom

I love them.
And I'm proud to say that compared to most families, we get along pretty well.

And how about this fella?  Look familiar?

That was taken in grade one.
It appears I was into plaid from an early age.

If anyone came to my site to see what I look like in a swimsuit,
I aim to please:

But I know what you're thinking:  "Where's this giraffe I've heard so much about?"
Well, your wait has come to an end: it's giraffe time!

Many thanks to Alex and J for their invaluable help with this site.

    The Illustrated Bear Manual            click here if you like lists            do not click here, there is nothing here


to send me mail, just click on my pal REB (Regurgitating E-mail Bear)